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Spectral Shooter

What is it?

Spectral Shooter is a software package specially designed to handle spectral data and includes algorithms for pre-processing, building multivariate calibration models, and transferring (e.g., lab to production scale transfer) and maintaining such models.

The latest version includes the following features:

Who should use it?

  • Spectroscopists or chemometricians
  • Anybody with an interest in inferring chemical composition or physical properties from spectral data
  • Anybody with an interest in transferring models between instruments or settings/scales
  • Anybody experiencing or anticipating interference from scattering, noise, or temperature on spectral measurements


  • Access to unique features not found in other software
  • Less time spent on data analysis tasks
  • Less samples/resources required
  • More accurate results

How to use video:

To find out more information about Spectral Shooter software click here